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In today’s dating pool, it can be difficult to navigate, no matter who you are. It can beharderfor Christians to date, especially when they are trying to strengthen their faith and find a partner who is equally yoked.
Here’s a look at some helpful Christian relationship advice for young adults that you may want to consider taking advantage of in your dating life.

1. Instead of “godliness”, look for growth in your partner’s faith.

As stated in the Bible, “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14). But, if you’re meeting online on a platform like TheRealAmour, how can you get a sense of one’s commitment to faith? The truth is that even a man or woman who identifies themselves as a Christian or has a membership within a church; but who does not consciously work in his or her life to put sin to death, can be essentially deemed “lawless”. There’s no real faith in that person’s heart so belief becomes a namesake. So instead of looking to check the boxes — “does he go to church?” or “does he own or know the Bible?” look for those around your potential partner who can speak of his or her reputation. With time, you also want to carefully assess and consider if they have a desire in them to grow and understand God better, just like David did in the Bible.

2. Don’t date until you are ready.

You should be sure that you aren’t trying to date anyone until you are ready. In other words, do what feels right to you. Just because your friends are dating doesn’t mean you have to. You should feel comfortable waiting until you feel it is the right time to date before attempting to do so. In doing so, you open yourself up to dating with intentions.

3. Cultivate the right desires.

Wanting to marry as a Christian is a good thing. Coming together as man and wife is not only a blessing, but a direct expression of God’s own covenants. The Creator has woven such a desire into our hearts so that we may act upon it. Modern dating means that you’re not only trying to find your equal in education, family background, personality, and income but also someone whose faith complements your own and can help you grow. When meeting online on a platform such as TheRealAmour, the initial process is done for you through profiles, a unique vetting questionnaire and an interview with the matchmaking expert. During your interview with the matchmaking expert, you can discuss the importance of being yoked with a believer. Luckily, there are so many local Christian singles who sign up.

4. Talk about what your goals are.

As a Christian, it is important to share your goals with people you date. You need to know if you are on the same page with regards to your faith. You also need to be sure of the things you and your partner believe in, and what you both want to do with your lives. In some cases, you may be compatible, and in other instances, you could be headed in different directions in life. It is common knowledge that shared goals can be influential when bonding with another person.

5. Remain in a position for purity.

Christian dating rules always focus on this particular point, so let’s not issue any ultimatums here. Instead, let’s understand the following: if the situation did not even present itself, what would be the case for talking about chastity or purity? None. In the book, Song of Solomon, the desire to be physically close and intimate is inevitable and even beautiful. Here, Christian singles can turn to scripture for an idea of how to navigate through modern dating. Staying sexually pure while dating is a good practice for those who hold a high regard of godliness. In Song of Solomon, chapter 1, verses 16-17, the couple removes themselves from all temptation by keeping themselves out of the situation.


There’s lots of Christian relationship advice for young adults, be it in church, school, or found on the internet. You just have to find the ones that can help you. Try considering the tips above when dating as a Christian. Be sure to stand on your faith, seek the face of God for direction and get counseling when needed.

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